PT | EN |
18:45 - 07/01/2025
Ícaro Lira

1986, lives and works at Fortaleza, Ceará

Visual Artist, Editor, and Researcher, he studied at the Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage (RJ), Film Editing and Sound Editing at the Instituto de Cinema Darcy Ribeiro (RJ), and Cinema and Video at Casa Amarela, Federal University of Ceará (CE). He also participated in the Visual Arts Laboratory at Escola Porto Iracema das Artes (CE) and the PIMASP, the Independent Program of the São Paulo Museum of Art (SP).

In recent years, he has been analyzing the implications and repercussions of political acts in Brazilian history through a documentary, archival, archaeological, and fictional approach. His exhibitions often take the form of small “museums,” where he gathers various forgotten fragments, creating a system of objects that integrates artistic and non-artistic materials. These are complemented by actions not necessarily confined to an artistic object but dispersed across exhibitions, books, workshops, debates, and walks.

In 2013, he received the Honorable Mention Award for Art and Heritage from IPHAN, the National Institute of Historical and Artistic Heritage. In 2014, he was invited to the 3rd Bahia Biennial with the work Desterro, Expedição Etnográfica de Ficção. In 2016, he participated in Rumos Itaú Cultural as part of the project Expedição Catástrofe: Por uma Arqueologia da Ignorância. In 2017, he was selected for the 20th Contemporary Art Festival Sesc_Videobrasil at SESC Pompeia in São Paulo, SP.

He has held solo exhibitions at Paço das Artes (SP), Galeria IBEU (RJ), Centro Cultural Banco do Nordeste (CE), Galeria Jaqueline Martins (SP), and Galerie Salle Principale (Paris, France). Recently, he has participated in group exhibitions at Palais de Tokyo (Paris, France), PAC, Padiglione d’Arte Contemporanea (Milan, Italy), MACRO, Museo d’Arte Contemporanea (Rome, Italy), Biennale Jogja (Yogyakarta, Indonesia), CPG, Centre Photographie Genève (Geneva, Switzerland), the Museum of Modern Art of Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires, Argentina), and Instituto Tomie Ohtake (São Paulo, SP).

He has participated in art residencies in Brazil, Latin America, and Europe, including Capacete (RJ), Instituto Sacatar (BA), La Ene (Buenos Aires, Argentina), Associazione Culturale Maria Thereza Alves and Jimmie Durham (Naples, Italy), Cité Internationale des Arts (Paris, France), and Delfina Foundation (London, UK).

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