PT | EN |
17:12 - 19/12/2024
Ramon Reis

1986, lives and works at Belém, PA, Brazil

Anthropologist with a degree from the Universidade de São Paulo (USP) and the Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA), working as a professor and researcher at the intersection of urban anthropology and gender and sexuality studies. He entered the field of Visual Arts in 2019, independently, with a photo-performance titled “Movimento-Ação”, performed on the Island of Cotijuba (PA).

In 2020, he began his creative process for the production of “Corpo (in)finito?”, an audiovisual essay that seeks to compose narratives about life and death in the urban landscape of the city of Belém. In the same year, he presented a video-oriented performance with the same name at the Pequeno Encontro da Fotografia (online edition). Also in 2020, his first authored poem (Cotidiano) was published in a Poetry Anthology in the Concurso Nacional Sarau Brasil. In 2022, he was selected in the category Fomento à Produção de Artistas Emergentes da Amazônia Legal to be part of the 40th Salão Arte Pará. Still in 2022, he independently released the short film “Corpo (in)finito?”. His works are permeated by the relationship between textual and bodily language as a way of reflecting on the body, gender, sexuality, territory, urban space, memory, and ancestry.

He participated in Pivô Satélite 2023.

This project is a realization of the Secretaria Municipal de Cultura de São Paulo and Pivô Arte e Pesquisa, through the Programa Municipal de Apoio a Projetos Culturais PROMAC, established by Law No. 15.948/2013.

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