PT | EN |
Ventura Profana
Daughter of the mysterious entrails of mother Bahia, from where arteries of living waters sustain in faith, abound. Ventura Profana (Salvador, 1993) prophesizes multiplication and abundant black, indigenous and transvestite life. She breaks the haze: erotic, atomic, taking red as religion. Her doctrine comes from Baptist temples, she is a missionary pastor, evangelist singer, writer, composer, and visual artist, whose practice is rooted in researching the implications and methodologies of deuteronomism in Brazil and abroad, through the spread of neopentecostal churches. The oil of daisies, jiboias and reginas run down the paths until it floods her with desire: anointing. It praises, like the nailing of a dagger licked with cerol and rust in Pharisaic hearts.
Ventura Profana
Procure vir antes do inverno
23 SET - 28 OCT

Parables can be found in literature, in images, and in the ways we name objects and proper names. Ventura Profana is, since her provocative name, a researcher of parables. Her gaze turns to the biblical narratives, the tabernacles’ architectures to come, the many iconographies of the mass cultures in which Christianity is included, the biblical verses that rhyme with the choruses of her songs.

In her proposed occupation for Pivô Satellite, the artist continues her interest in the collage and juxtaposition of images that make the narratives surrounding protestantism in Brazil and the world more complex – what are the relationships between the soccer fields and the lambs of God?

On photographs of her body and close-ups of the destroyed miniature images of Christ the Redeemer, the artist writes: “come and you will still see abominations greater than these”, quoting Ezekiel 8:15. To be in communion is to be engaged in an act of love; the video “Tabernaculo da edificação” is about this collective journey, the grand finale of her occupation. The images begin with the voice of Ventura Profana’s grandmother saying “My Father, how nice it is to evangelize”. It is as nice to see, throughout the video, the artist’s joy building her own temple, in a movement contrary to cisnormativity and whiteness, alongside her friends Bianca Kalutor and Rainha F. To build it is essential to establish a communion of our hands, voices and routes – which, as Ventura and his grandmother talk at the end of the video, often should not be an easy path. The artist’s poetics, therefore, seems to be a poetics of buildings. May the audience learn from her gestures and her courage to build their own temples.



Com Bianca Kalutor
Rainha F.
e Raphael Cruz;

Roteiro, produção executiva e direção geral:
Ventura Profana

Co-Direção Cinematográfica:
Diego Paulino

Direção de Produção:
Eloá Souto

Thaina Iná

Igor Furtado

Operador de Câmera:
Arthur Medina

Direção de arte:
Alex Lemos

Julliana Araujo

com assistência de:
Juan Romar

Lívia Costa

Pintura Corporal:
Tapixi Guajajara

Mural do Tabernáculo:

Janice Mascarenhas

com assistência de:
Gabriel Simon e Ludmila

Montagem e Edição:
Nini Cartaxo
Mariana Mayrink

Trilha Sonora:

    Carrinho de Compras
    Seu Carrinho está vazioVoltar à Loja