Davi Pontes (São Gonçalo, 1990)
Artist, choreographer and researcher. Graduated in Arts at Universidade Federal Fluminense and Master’s student in the Postgraduate Program in Arts (Contemporary Studies of the Arts) at the same institution. He studied at the ESMAE Superior School of Music and Arts (Porto, Portugal).
Since 2016 he has presented his work in art galleries and national and international festivals, mainly at the University of Pennsylvania (USA), Pivô (São Paulo), Centro Cultural de Belém (Lisbon), Rua das Gaivotas 6 (Porto), Galeria Vermelho (São Paulo), Valongo International Image Festival (São Paulo), Rumos Itaú Cultural 2021 Program, Panorama Festival (Rio de Janeiro), Artfizz – HOA Galeria (USA) and resident in the Pivô Arte Pesquisa Program, in the Research Residency Program in arts at MAM Rio and at the Escola Livre de Artes – ELÃ, among others. He directed the film Rave the Racial in partnership with the artist Wallace Ferreira, a work commissioned by the Pivô Satellite Program, 2021.
Developing a research that starts in the body, his practice carries the constant challenge of positioning choreography to respond to its own ontoepistemological conditions -, to serve politically in the face of the conditions in which it is being practiced. The artist has dedicated his practice to deepen the concepts of raciality, choreography and self-defense and their entanglements based on the idea of archive contained in the production of History.
Wallace Ferreira (Rio de Janeiro, 1993)
Dance artist, performer, visual artist born and raised in Vigário Geral, a suburb of Rio de Janeiro. His first artistic reference arises in childhood with his family, where everyone dances and builds their relationships through affection and movement. With the encouragement of his father, he began his studies in dance as a child. Projecting futures previously dreamed. He studies Dance at Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), building strategies and choreographing actions to escape representations. Through undisciplinary practices, his creations cause accidents in the languages of dance, theater, performance and the visual arts, investing in the perception of himself as a possible path of muscular dreams. Through other perspectives, new visions of the self. His work is also an obsession with entering layers of the invisible, inhabiting fragilities, accumulating movements that wish to blur certainties and dispute narratives. To betray words and produce images to touch with your eyes. Driven by the challenges of tensioning the present, since 2017 he has been presenting his works in art galleries, national and international festivals such as Pivô Satellite, Festival Panorama, ArtRio, Presença Exhibition, HOA ART, Artfizz. Among his most recent works, highlight to the trilogy “Repertório” in partnership with the artist Davi Pontes who was at the VERBO Exhibition at Galeria Vermelho, Valongo International Image Festival in São Paulo, Segunda Preta, Belo Horizonte, Anita Schwartz art gallery, Rio de Janeiro.
Participating artists of Pivô Satellite #2
Since 2019, Davi Pontes and Wallace Ferreira have been developing a joint practice that is conjured in the intersection between dance and visual arts. The duo performs masterly choreographies that investigate the relationship between duration and exhaustion, repetition and precision, engendering hybrid territories between dance and defense.
The bodily expression at play in their works evokes the ideas of Brazilian thinker André Lepecki, for whom the concept of “choreo-politics” refers to a “profound intertwinement between movement, body and place”. In the film To Rave the Racial, commissioned by Pivô Satellite, the duo – with the collaboration of other agents working in the fields of photography, soundtrack, costume design, and art direction, amongst others – expands on issues introduced with Repertório n.1 [Repertoire #1], their first collaborative piece produced between 2019 and 2020.
[*] André Lepecki, Corepolítica e coreopolícia, 2013.

Direção: Davi Pontes e Wallace Ferreira
Câmera e edição: Matheus Freitas
Trilha Musical e Sound Design: PODESERDESLIGADO
Voz: Davi Pontes
3D: Gabriel Junqueira
Som: Nuno Q Ramalho
Produção de set: Idra Maria Mamba Negra
Apoio de set: Gabe Arnaudin
Direção de Arte e luz: Iagor Peres
Styling: Iah Bahia