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Gabriel Junqueira
Gabriel Junqueira (Fortaleza, Ceará, 1992) is a multimedia artist who explores the relationships between body, technology and materiality in supports such as digital images, sculptures and installations. His recent research revolves around the relationship between built spaces and nature through the creation of landscapes in 3D architectural visualization software, commonly used in the real estate market to simulate structures to be built. Seeking inspiration from corporate architecture and landscaping concepts, the artist creates impossible locations, where figurative elements are rearranged to abstraction. As an extension of his research in visual arts, since 2018 he has been dedicated to the musical project “Naves Cilíndricas”. In 2020, he released two albums: “Imagens de Desastres Em Alta Resolution” by the Meia Vida label and “Névoa” by the Domina label. @gabrieljunq @navescilindricas Artist participating in Pivô Satellite #4  (2022)
Gabriel Junqueira
24 FEV - 22 MAR

Utilizando softwares empregados para modelagem e simulação arquitetônica de empreendimentos imobiliários, o artista recria o espaço do Copan e do Pivô como alegoria a uma São Paulo retomada pela selva. Em Terrário (2022), utopia modernista e distopia se confundem na paisagem hipotética de um mundo construído em ruínas que evocam um retorno ao início.

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