9th Annual Auction

Pivô is a non-profit art space providing a platform for exchange, critical thinking and artistic experimentation inside one of São Paulo’s most iconic modernist buildings, the Copan, projected by Oscar Niemeyer in the city’s central area.
Several professionals are needed (from administrative to communication, from maintenance to accessibility) to keep Pivô running – but it is with and for the artists that we remain open. Our goal is to promote and disseminate artistic production and create a free and open space for production and dialogue – and we do this through commissioned projects, exhibitions, public programs, publications and artistic residencies.
At the 9th Annual Pivô Auction, more than 130 works generously donated by artists at various career stages, mostly involved with the institution, will be presented on an online virtual platform. This year, understanding the importance of working in a network and mutual support, artists had the possibility of making a full donation or retain 50% of the work’s sales.
Pivô’s 9th Annual Auction.
From November 23rd until December 5th at leilaoanualpivo.org.br
Pivô thanks all artists who generously donated their works.
Adriana Coppio, Adriano Costa, Adriano Machado, Alex Cerveny, Alexandre Brandão, Alvaro Seixas, Ana Mazzei, Anna Maria Maiolino, Antônio Malta Campos, Antônio Obá, avaf, Ayrson Heráclito, Barrão, Brisa Noronha, Bruna Kury, Bruno Baptistelli, Caetano de Almeida, Camila Sposati, Camila Sproesser, Cao Guimarães, Carolina Cordeiro, Christian Salablanca, Cristiano Lenhardt, Cléo Döbberthin, Dan Coopey, Daniel Albuquerque, Daniel Frota de Abreu, Daniel Lannes, Daniel Senise, Daniel Steegmann Mangrané, Débora Bolsoni, Deco Adjiman, Denilson Baniwa, Denise Alves-Rodrigues, Dora Smék, Edu de Barros, Eduardo Cardoso Amato, Efrain Almeida, Élle de Bernardini, Elvis Almeida, Erica Ferrari, Érica Storer de Araújo, Erika Verzutti, Ernesto Neto, Estêvão Parreiras, Federico Herrero, Felipe Barsuglia, Felipe Cohen, Fernando Marques Penteado, Flora Rebollo, Frederico Fillipi, Gabriela Godoi, Gabriella Garcia, Gilson Rodrigues, Giulia Puntel, Gokula Stoffel, Guga Szabzon, Gui Mohallem, Guilherme Ginane, Gustavo Torres, Guto Lacaz, Helô Sanvoy, Iagor Peres, Iran do Espírito Santo, Jac Leirner, Janaina Tschape, Janaina Wagner, Janina McQuoid, João GG, João Loureiro, Julia da Mota, Júlia Rocha, Kauam Pereira, Lais Myrrha, Laura Gorski, Laura Lima, Laura Vinci, Leda Catunda, Lenora de Barros, Letícia Ramos, Livia Paola Gorresio, Lucas Arruda, Lucas Dupin, Lucas Simões, Luis Teixeira, Luisa Brandelli, Luiz Zerbini, Luiza Crosman, Manata Laudares, Mano Penalva, Manuela Costa Lima, Marcelo Cipis, Marcia Xavier, Marcius Galan, Marcos Chaves, María de los Vientos, Maria Lynch, Maria Montero, Maria Noujaim, Marina Perez Simão, Marina Weffort, Matheus Chiaratti, Matias Oliveira, Mauro Restiffe, max willà morais, Maya Weishof, Michel Zózimo, Moisés Patrício, Opavivará, Pablo Lobato, Paloma Bosquê, Patricia Leite, Paul Setúbal, Paulo Monteiro, Paulo Nazareth, Paulo Pasta, Pedro Hurpia, Pedro Motta, Pedro Zylbersztajn, Pepi Lemes, Rafa Silvares, Raquel Sena, Rebeca Carapiá, Renata Lucas, Renato Rios, Rochelle Costi, Rodolpho Parigi, Rodrigo Garcia Dutra, Rodrigo Matheus, Samuel Rodrigues, Samuel Tomé, Santarosa Barreto, Santidio Pereira, Sofia Lotti C. Dias, Sonia Gomes, Tatiana Chalhoub, Thiago Honório, Thomaz Rosa, Tiago Carneiro da Cunha, Tiago Mestre, Tonico Lemos Auad, Val Souza, Vânia Mignone, Wisrah Villefort, Yan Copelli, Yasmin Guimarães, Yhuri Cruz e Yuli Yamagata.
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Support: iArremate.com